Goal of this project is to preserve history and distribute important works and information about crypto anarchy.
Project is currently in collection phase, after the list of resources is somewhat finalized it will be made available through various channels.
Books and papers
- Vonu - The search for personal freedom by Rayo
- Vonue: The search for personal freedom, part 2 - Letters from Rayo
- Cryptoeconomics - Eric Voskuil
- Second Realm - Book on strategy
- New Libertarian Manifesto - by Samuel Edward Konkin III
- Anarchy, State and the Internet
- The Anarchist Library
- The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto
- Cyphernomicon
- Cypherpunk Manifesto
- agorism.dev - Amir Taaki’s website
- anarplex.net - archive of anarplex.net
- Taz 0 - cypherpunk bitstream archive site
- Free Haven Project - free haven project
- Activism.net
- The Untold story of the greatest crypto project ever
- cryptoanarchy.wiki - cypherpunk mailing list archives and lots of other historical material
- Free Man’s Perspective - Paul Rosenberg’s newsletter
- Towards Liberty - Max Hillebrand’s website
- A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
If you’d like to add something to this list, please submit a Pull Request on GitHub or open an issue.